Hey @slaughterize good day.
we had this instance on our project and would like to share how we constructed the URLs programmatically for consumption.
Think of it as 2 parts:
BaseURL: https://(domain).force.com/(community)/s
Product detail page URL in your community: /product/hamilton-beach-coffee-maker/01t4W00000B6tnjQAB
Now to get the BaseURL, luckily we can leverage SiteDetail object and get the secureURL which is explained by benahm in this StackExchange link:
Get Site URL from apex and just append that secureUrl with /s string
All that is left is to construct the product detail page URL:
In my case the product detail page url is: /product/:recordName/:recordId
- product is the base url for the product detail page. if you want other base url name for this page you can customize this in the community builder
- recordName becomes like a slug ([Some] Product) -> some-product
- recordId of the entitled product
// Assuming you have a method which returns the base url
public static void retrieveStoreUrl() {
Site mySite = [select Id from Site where Name = 'MySite'];
SiteDetail mySiteDetail = [select SecureURL from SiteDetail where DurableId = :mySite.Id];
return mySiteDetail.SecureUrl + '/s';
// We have a method which basically converts the string you passed to lowercase, removes any special character and replaces whitespaces with dash character
// Example the product name is: [Some] Product Name
// It will just convert the string to this value: some-product-name
public static void stringToSlug(String stringToConvert) {
return stringToConvert.toLowerCase().trim().replaceAll('[^a-z0-9\\s]+', '').replaceAll('[\\s]+', '-');
// Now we begin constructing the url
public static void returnProductUrl(Product2 entitledProduct) {
String baseUrl = SomeClass.retrieveStoreUrl();
// Convert the string to slug
String productSlug = SomeUtilityClass.stringToSlug(entitledProduct.Name);
// All thats left is to concatenate all the required values
return baseUrl + '/product/' + productSlug + '/' + entitledProduct.Id; // Returns (https://(domain).force.com/buy/s/product/some-product-name/01t6F000005DgTpQAK)