I have been using the Salesforce Security Scanner to scan my code:
Basically, the scan is telling me that I do not have any assert statements in my test class. It does not make any sense because I have several... and have even added in some pointless ones for further testing. Does anyone know why it might be showing up on the scanner?
private class InactiveSalesRepControllerTest
static testMethod void testInactiveLeadReassignment()
User u = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Department = 'Sales' AND UserRole.Name IN :Constants.REP_ROLES AND CompanyName = 'Equity Trust' AND IsActive = true AND Id != :UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 2][1];
List<Lead> testLeads = new List<Lead>();
System.RunAs(new User(Id = UserInfo.getUserId()))
for(Integer i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Lead l = new Lead(FirstName = 'Test', LastName = 'Test', OwnerId = u.Id);
testLeads[2].Status = Constants.DORMANT_STATUS;
insert testLeads;
//testLeads[2].OwnerId = u.Id;
//update testLeads[2];
Task t = new Task(OwnerId = u.Id, Status = 'New', Subject = 'Test', WhoId = testLeads[0].Id);
insert t;
u.IsActive = false;
update u;
InactiveSalesRepController testMe = new InactiveSalesRepController();
System.RunAs(new User(id = UserInfo.getUserId()))
testMe.activeLeadsWithTasksReassign = 1;
testMe.activeLeadsWithoutTasksReassign = 1;
testMe.dormantLeadsReassign = 1;
testMe.selectedActiveRep = testMe.activeSalesReps[0].getValue();
//Had to remove the dormant parts because it is causing issues in production when we update the user after
//updating the Lead (Mixed DML)
List<Lead> leads = [SELECT OwnerId FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :testLeads AND Status != :Constants.DORMANT_STATUS];
for (Lead tLead: leads)
System.assertEquals(testMe.selectedActiveRep, tLead.OwnerId);
System.assert(2 == leads.size());
//For some reason the security scanner kept saying that there were no asserts even though there are 2 above this... so I added this
//to try to fix it.