I'm facing an issue trying to evaluate a concat
ampscript function and variable saved in a data extension attribute.
I tried to evaluate them with treatAsContent
function but it's still not evaluated.
Also tried to use get and setValue in SSJS.
(I MUST manage the text wording in the data extension)
%%[ var @MyAccountURL, @lang, @Body
set @MyAccountURL = "https://www.levana.io/"
set @lang = "US"
set @Body = Lookup('NL_Registration_Content_Copy',@lang,"Email_Variable_Name", 'Body')
<br> @lang =<br> %%=v(@lang)=%%
<br><br> @MyAccountURL =<br> %%=v(@MyAccountURL)=%%
<br><br> Body = <br> %%=v(@Body)=%%
<br><br> BodyTreatAsContent = <br> %%=v(treatascontent(@Body))=%%
The Output is :
@lang = US
@MyAccountURL = https://www.levana.io/
Body = concat("Your Account link is : ",@MyAccountURL," .")
BodyTreatAsContent = concat("Your Account link is : ",@MyAccountURL," .")