I have a Data Extension that contains a large amount of subscriber information for mails. As well, I have other subscribers that are stored in multiple different Publication Lists. I want to be able to combine the Publication Lists into the Data Extension or vice versa. I'm unsure of the best way to go about this as I'm currently attempting to create and run a SQL Query Activity in Automation Studio to append the Publication Lists data to the master Data Extension.
Hopefully I'm on the right track, I receive an error when running the SQL Query below and selecting Append to my Master Data Extension
× Error saving the Query field.Update Type must be 'Update' or the target data extension 'Master Subscriber Data Extension - 11052020' cannot appear in the query.
// Starts with Master Data Extension and joins each publication list
SELECT s.EmailAddress,
s.[Sub Id]
FROM [Master Subscriber Data Extension - 11052020] s
LEFT JOIN [_ListSubscribers] l on (l.EmailAddress = s.EmailAddress)
WHERE ListName = '<Business Management Resources>'
OR ListName = '<Industry News and Updates>'
OR ListName = '<Northwest Farm Credit News>'
This is currently where I'm stuck, am I going in the right direction to find a possible solution to what I'm trying to do in the first place? If so, I'm unsure as to why this error is appearing.