With the advent of the Winter release a gap has appeared between the two top sections of our LWCs which use lightning-card:

enter image description here

How can we get the gray background to cross the gap? Code below:

<lightning-card variant="narrow">
    <h1 slot="title" class="slds-page-header headerBaby">
        <lightning-layout vertical-align="center">
            <lightning-icon icon-name="standard:poll" size="small"></lightning-icon>
            <lightning-layout-item padding="horizontal-small" alignment-bump="right">
                <span style="font-size: 15.5px;"><strong>{label.Label_FinancialSummary}</strong></span>
    <h1 slot="actions" class="slds-page-header headerBaby">
        <lightning-layout vertical-align="center">
                <lightning-combobox options={currencyList} value={loadCurrency} dropdown-alignment="left" variant="label-hidden" class="skinny" 
                                    title={label.Currency} onchange={currencyChangeHandler}></lightning-combobox>
                <lightning-button-icon variant="border-filled" type="button" icon-name="utility:refresh" size="medium" 
                                       title={label.Refresh} onclick={refreshHandler}></lightning-button-icon>


1 Answer 1


Have you tried changing it from a Narrow card to a basic card? Try removing variant="narrow"

See docs.


  • No impact on the issue.
    – Dave C
    Oct 29, 2020 at 18:55

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