I'm trying to generate email recommendations with Einstein, but I can't get users added to the IGO_PROFILES data extension.
I'm following the directions to the letter as far as I can tell. I'm also tracking page views. PI_CONTENTVIEWS is populating with lots of views.
In the Reporting section of Einstien, I can even search contacts by the email I'm testing with, and I can see my page views being associated with my 'profile.' But the profile itself hasn't made it into IGO_PROFILES so I can't write queries that join on IGO_PROFILES and PI_CONTENTVIEWS, which is ultimately what I'm trying to do.
Here's the code from my site.
var mcid = urlParams.get('mcid');
etmc.push(["setOrgId", MY_MID]);
etmc.push(["trackPageView", {
"item": "/efficacy-and-safety"
etmc.push(["setUserInfo", {
"email": mcid