Conflict connecting to different org with same username and password. Is there any other way to login to the correct org?

I am a user in two different salesforce orgs. My profile is System Administrator in both the orgs. In both of these orgs my username is the same [email protected]

In both of these orgs there is a sandbox named Developer. Org2 sandbox was refreshed recently, and Org1 sandbox was refreshed a few months ago.

The Developer sandbox in org1 has instance csXX so the URL is https://csXX.salesforce.com/ The Developer sandbox in org2 has instance csZZ so the URL is https://csZZ.salesforce.com/

I can successfully login to developer sandbox in org1 https://csXX.salesforce.com/ However, when I login to developer sandbox in org2, https://csZZ.salesforce.com/, i get connected to ORG1.

1 Answer 1


In both of these orgs my username is the same [email protected]

This must be mistaken. You cannot have the same username as a full Salesforce user in two separate orgs. Your user accounts may have the same email address, but they certainly do not have the same user name. Note that sandbox refreshes "munge" usernames from Production; you should expect to see a suffix on the user names in those refreshed sandboxes.

Presumably Org 1 is the actual owner of this username, since that is where you are routed when you log in. Logging in via the CSXX instance assigned to a sandbox has no effect on how your log in is routed; your sandbox does not own that URL.

  • Exactly ! I am perplexed too, how the system allowed same username in both of the org's. Anyways, working with the SF administrators to resolve Oct 19, 2020 at 16:05

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