I have this simple JS function implementation within my VF page:

 function toSend(){
   var myField;
   //Received myField value with some code//


   //some more coding//

<apex:actionFunction name="callingActionFunction" action="{!getFieldID}" immediate="true" rendered="false">
   <apex:param assignTo="{!agentObjID}" name="myField" value="myField"/>

My controller class:

public String agentObjID {get; set;}

public void getFieldID(){
  //SOQL to query based on the value: agentObjID 
  //but I am not receiving anything from my VF page.

But this above implementation is not seeming to work. All I am trying to do is: get the myField value in the VF's JS function and pass it to my controller class (I have get/set variable) and retrieve some record(s) based on that value. Can someone suggest me if I am doing it wrong or missing something simple or, my approach itself is invalid?

  • Is it because the actionFunction is not being rendered and can't be called as a result? What happens if you remove the rendered="false" from the apex:actionFunction?
    – Instread
    Commented Oct 15, 2020 at 0:32

1 Answer 1


Try to explore PageReference on the method to view string parameters and values for a page inside the method use

public PageReference getFieldID(){
  //SOQL to query based on the value: agentObjID 


    <apex:actionFunction name="callingActionFunction" action="{!getFieldID}" immediate="true" rendered="false">
         <apex:param name="myField" value="myField"/>

        public PageReference getFieldID(){
          //SOQL to query based on the value: agentObjID 
          string agentObjID = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('myField');

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