Refactoring code to merge similar operations and getting an error the SObjects I'm passing to this method are variables that do not exist.

private static List<SObject> getSObjectList(SObject salesforceObject, Set<String> filterSet, String exceptionMessage) {
  List<SObject> records;
  switch on salesforceObject {
    when Contact {
      records = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Contact WHERE Name IN :filterSet];
    when pse__Milestone__c {
      records = [SELECT Id, Milestone_ID__c, pse__Project__c, pse__Project__r.pse__Account__c, pse__Project__r.pse__Allow_Timecards_Without_Assignment__c, pse__Project__r.pse__Is_Billable__c, pse__Project__r.Apply_Burndown_Cap__c, pse__Project__r.Remaining_Hours__c, Exclude_Timecards_from_Billing__c FROM pse__Milestone__c WHERE Milestone_ID__c IN :filterSet];

  if (records.size() == 0) {
    notifyAdmin('TimeLoaderJira Exception', exceptionMessage);
    throw new ImportException(exceptionMessage);

  return records;

Getting error "Variable does not exist: Contact" from this line that invokes it:

List<Contact> resources = (List<Contact>) getSObjectList(Contact, resourceNames, 'Data imported did not contain any valid resources.');

and "Variable does not exist: pse__Milestone__c" for this one:

List<pse__Milestone__c> milestones = (List<pse__Milestone__c>) getSObjectList(pse__Milestone__c, milestonesFriendly, 'Data imported did not contain any valid milestones.');

Any thoughts about what I'm doing wrong?


1 Answer 1


You need to create an actual sobject:

List<pse__Milestone__c> milestones = (List<pse__Milestone__c>) getSObjectList(
  new pse__Milestone__c(), 
  'Data imported did not contain any valid milestones.'

Or, perhaps you actually meant to use sObjectType in your method parameter (this would have made more sense):

private static List<SObject> getSObjectList(SObjectType salesforceObject, Set<String> filterSet, String exceptionMessage) {
  List<SObject> records;
  switch on salesforceObject.newSObject() {
    when Contact {
      records = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Contact WHERE Name IN :filterSet];
    when pse__Milestone__c {
      records = [SELECT Id, Milestone_ID__c, pse__Project__c, pse__Project__r.pse__Account__c, pse__Project__r.pse__Allow_Timecards_Without_Assignment__c, pse__Project__r.pse__Is_Billable__c, pse__Project__r.Apply_Burndown_Cap__c, pse__Project__r.Remaining_Hours__c, Exclude_Timecards_from_Billing__c FROM pse__Milestone__c WHERE Milestone_ID__c IN :filterSet];

  if (records.size() == 0) {
    notifyAdmin('TimeLoaderJira Exception', exceptionMessage);
    throw new ImportException(exceptionMessage);

  return records;

Which would be called as:

List<pse__Milestone__c> milestones = (List<pse__Milestone__c>) getSObjectList(
  'Data imported did not contain any valid milestones.'

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