From today, Suddenly, I started getting the below error in VS code whenever I am running any SFDX command:
ERROR running force:source:retrieve: This org appears to have a problem with its OAuth configuration. Reason: invalid_grant - expired access/refresh token username: clientId: PlatformCLI, loginUrl:, privateKey:
Try this: Verify the OAuth configuration for this org. For JWT: Ensure the private key is correct and the cert associated with the connected app has not expired. Ensure the following OAuth scopes are configured [api, refresh_token, offline_access]. Ensure the username is assigned to a profile or perm set associated with the connected app. Ensure the connected app is configured to pre-authorize admins.
I thought of Authorizing an org again, but no luck. Also, I gone thru many blogs but still I didn't see any proper solution for this problem.
Can anyone please help in solving this error?