Hi all new to Apex here completing Trailhead...
I am receiving the error in the title and can't seem to figure out why. Here's my apex class:
public class AccountHandler {
public static void insertAccount(Integer value){
Integer counter = 1;
//create a list
List<Account> addAccounts = new List<Account>();
while(counter <= value){
//display current counter value
system.debug('Counter value before incrementing' + counter);
//create a new account
Account store = new Account();
store.Name = 'Acme Inc n' + counter;
store.AccountNumber = 'A00n' + counter;
//increment counter
counter = counter + 1;
system.debug('Counter value after incrementing' + counter);
system.debug('Size of Account list:' + addAccounts.size());
system.debug('Elements in Account List:' + addAccounts);
insert addAccounts;
And here is my execution code:
Any help is appreciated!