Here's the situation as I understand it of what we want to do:
An lwc component is created that uses custom metadata to set the data inside the component. One of those things is a field with a value type of string with the name of a custom label (a label instead of string for internationalization/translation purposes). In the lwc component, we use that string value to then form the import call for the label so we have access to the data.
As I understand it, the way to import a custom label in LWC is at the top as an import, like so:
@import someLabel from '@salesforce/label/c.myLabelsName';
However, what we don't know what the label is called until we pull in the meta data text. In aura this would be done something like this:
$A.getReference("$Label.c." + response.getReturnValue()[0].Tiles_Component__r.MasterLabel);
From what I've been able to google and poke around here, I'm not seeing a solution, but wanted to make sure I'm not missing something. Is there any way to do like aura can in LWC? And if not, this functionality is coming eventually correct?