I failed to subscribe platform event of a sandbox using workbench. The error code is "403::Unknown client". "streaming api developer guide" says the error code means The server deleted the client CometD session due to a timeout, which can be caused by a network failure. The client must perform a new handshake and reconnect.
However, I can subscribe platform event of a product or developer org, under the same network, with the same browser environment.
I suppose sandbox org can't support platform event. Is it a known issue or how should I troubleshoot this?
Unknown exception occurred. Removing offending listener or subscription.
"advice": {
"interval": 0,
"reconnect": "handshake"
"channel": "/meta/subscribe",
"id": "8",
"error": "403::Unknown client",
"successful": false
"Invalid argument: expected subscription, not undefined"
8. Subscription Failure: 403::Unknown client
"advice": {
"interval": 0,
"reconnect": "handshake"
"channel": "/meta/subscribe",
"id": "8",
"error": "403::Unknown client",
"successful": false