I am configuring SetUserInfo but with a small customization, here is what I am trying to do:
<script src="//xxxxxxxx.collect.igodigital.com/collect.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
_etmc.push(["setOrgId", "xxxxxxxx"]);
var valorinput = document.getElementById('input1').value;
_etmc.push(["setUserInfo", { "email" : valorinput }]);;
_etmc.push(["trackPageView", { "item" : "00001" }]);
But unfortunately is not working as expected. Basically, I need to setUserInfo to populate IGO_PROFILES with EmailAdrress when a user submit a form with him informations including EmailAdress that is being caught here:
var valorinput = document.getElementById('input1').value;
Form will not redirect user to another page, instead, will allow him to download a file when the submit button is clicked. I already tested code snippet provided by Lukas Lunow here: Collect tracking code implementation and works fine, but since the requirements is a bit different I am trying to use another approach.
There is TIP in salesforce documentation [https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=mc_ctc_set_user_info.htm&type=5] that makes me think that I don't need to redirect the user to another page and pass his informations by URL.
What is wrong with my code? (It's weird, because is if I use the same code snippet to trackPageView it works fine). Beside that, can anyone give me some "light" of examples related with this kind of implementation?
Youssef Kanso.