Please see below two errors we have been receiving regarding the Financial Lead Trigger and Financial Opportunity Trigger :
FinServ Lead Trigger :
FinServ.LeadTrigger: execution of BeforeUpdate
caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
Class.FinServ.MoiBaseTriggerHandler.requireLicenseCheck: line 306, column 1
Class.FinServ.MoiBaseTriggerHandler.handleEvent: line 97, column 1
Trigger.FinServ.LeadTrigger: line 11, column 1
FinServ Opportunity Trigger :
FinServ.OpportunityTrigger: execution of BeforeUpdate
caused by: FinServ.MoiExceptionWrapper.TriggerException: Something's not quite right. Try your action again, and if the issue continues, contact your administrator for help.: sObject type 'AccountContactRelation' is not supported.
How can these triggers be debugged if we don't have access to them?