I have a requirement of getting map values in vf page in the js Function. Here is the code i am using
Public class AgController{
public static Map<Id,String> errorByAccountId { get; set; }
public static void updateData(){
errorByAccountId = new Map<Id,String>();
errorByAccountId.put(acclistset[i].id,String.valueOf('Error saving company "' + acclistset[i].name + '": ' + err.getMessage()) );
function checkSaveUnassignComplete()
var errorIdByErrorMsg = "{!errorByAccountId}";
THIS IS HOW VALUE COMES IN CONTROLLER(Showing the debug from controller)
map value---->{0010r00000PRyZFAA1=Error saving company "Test-Rt847": There's a problem with this state, even though it may appear correct. Please select a state from the list of valid states., 0010r00000QQF8qAAH=Error saving company "Test-Rt472": There's a problem with this state, even though it may appear correct. Please select a state from the list of valid states.} However If use List instead of Map I am able to get it in VF page How can I achieve this using Map?