I am trying to do (what I think is) a simple trigger that counts the number of files attached to a custom object record(SBQQ__QuoteDocument__c) and puts that number in a field on that object. I am trying to query ContentDocumentLink because after some research that seems like the correct object that holds the Quote Document Id(as LinkedEntityId) and the File Id in the same place. I am doing this so I can run validation rules to make sure a user has uploaded a file to each Quote Document record before Opportunity can be marked Closed Won, that part will be easy. I do not want to go the DLRS route or install any new apps because client is wary of doing this, so trigger seems like the best way to go. I don't get into into backend dev work very much so I get rusty easily. Here is what I have so far, neither will upload to the database successfully. Thank you in advance for any kind words of wisdom!
trigger ContentDocumentLinkTrigger on ContentDocumentLink (after insert, after delete, after undelete) {
if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isDelete || trigger.isUndelete){
public with sharing class ContentDocumentLinkTriggerHandler {
public static void fileCount(Trigger.new){
Set<Id> parentQuoteDocumentIds = new Set<Id>();
for(ContentDocumentLink cdl : Trigger.new){
List<SBQQ__QuoteDocument__c> quoteDocList = [SELECT Id FROM SBQQ__QuoteDocument__c WHERE Id IN :parentQuoteDocumentIds];
for(SBQQ__QuoteDocument__c qd : quoteDocList){
qd.Number_of_Files_Attached__c = quoteDocList.size();