Last night I fetched some data using the below GET request

const result = await axios({
            method: 'get',
            url: `https://tahina-test2-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com/services/data/v48.0/query?q=SELECT+Product2Id,+Product2.Name+from+Pricebookentry+WHERE+Pricebook2Id='01s2X000002X6PxQAK'`,
            headers: {
                    'Bearer 00D2X000001esWS!ASAAQG1hpJDqk71EfwEsDjQEOIVpxLK6B86D8g3yhU5tlUWBtcHoZhpbCtu.kinCTNz03pmHu4xgE_WN05YihmiORJ8e01tZ'

But today I cannot fetch the same data as last night as token has expired. So my question is, is there anyway I can keep the token from expiring or getting a new token everytime it expires from my web app? I am using React JS to make this Get call if it helps.

Thank you!

1 Answer 1


Use the Web Server OAuth Flow, and include the refresh_token scope. When your access token expires, you use the Refresh Token FLow to get a new session. Use this only when you get a 403 error, rather than calling it every time you need to make an API call.

  • Thanks for the answer mate. I had to make a small directional change. I am not using JSforce to connect and query SF data into my react app. For this I am using node express on the backend and ran into an issue. Could you maybe help me out here salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/311510/…? :)
    – Kisho
    Jul 2, 2020 at 22:16

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