While a lightning-datatable will squish up on a narrow screen, the columns typically become so narrow as to be unreadable.
Are there examples anywhere of changing to e.g. tiles for a narrow screen? Would be cool to re-use the columns data when doing that.
This is a big stretch, but a CSS-only solution as illustrated here Responsive Data Tables would be great.
Flipping to tiles looks like it works based on a quick test:
<template for:each={records} for:item="r">
<lightning-tile key={r.Id} label="Item" href="/path/to/somewhere">
<dl class="slds-dl_horizontal">
<template for:each={columns} for:item="c">
<dt key={c.fieldName} class="slds-dl_horizontal__label">
<p class="slds-truncate">{c.label}:</p>
<dd key={c.fieldName} class="slds-dl_horizontal__detail slds-tile__meta">
<p class="slds-truncate">
<c-tile-table-value object={r} field={c.fieldName} type={c.type}>
but Yaswanth's answer of adding the class slds-max-medium-table_stacked
is a much cleaner approach.