Below is the DE i am sending to. Its called Power_NovaMep
Below is the Target DE called SendLog
I want the value of Ref_no from the Power_NovaMep DE go to the Send_Ref column in the SendLog DE when the email is sent. Email__c can be used as a lookup to find the right row to update.
Below is my code. I want to know why it is not working.
%%[ var @lookupValue set @lookupValue = AttributeValue("_subscriberkey") ]%%
%%[ var @Refno set @Refno = Lookup("Power_NovaMEP","ref_no","subscriber_key",@lookupValue) ]%%
%%[ var @emailAddress set @emailAddress = AttributeValue("emailaddr") ]%%
%%[ UpdateDE("SendLog",13,"Email__c",@emailAddress,"Send_Ref",@Refno) ]%%