I am creating an application for Salesforce Integration. I am trying to retrieve the installed packages from a particular account as I am able to do by using APEX class but now I want to retrieve the installed packages using PARTNERWSDL. Can any pleae help me in this regards. Thanks in advance.
MetaDataWSDL.ListMetadataQuery query = new ListMetadataQuery();
query.type = "InstalledPackage";
double asOfVersion = 29.0;
MetadataService mBinding = new MetadataService();
mBinding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = binding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId;
FileProperties[] lmr = mBinding.listMetadata(new ListMetadataQuery[] { query }, asOfVersion);
Here i am getting the value as null. and I have specified the version as 29.0. May i know how can i know my version number when i am using OAuth authencation.