I want to do this:

Interface__c interface = [SELECT Name, Id, Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM Interface__c where Name LIKE :'name'];
insert interface;

And by the same record I mean record with the same one field (but it must have other fields too because they are required.


1 Answer 1


This is just if you trying a single record for multiple you need to a list and assign values.

Interface__c interface = [SELECT Name, Id, Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM Interface__c where Name LIKE :'name'];
Interface__c obj= new interface__c();
obj.filed1___c= interface.Field1__c;
Insert obj;

Just note not to assign Id please.


insert interface.deepClone();

Note: You can also use clone and deepclone

Clone with all fields

Clone vs DeepClone

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