I'm working on a flow, and basically I'm trying to compare number values with an "Array". when I debug d the flow, the condition fails:

DECISION: verificarMesAProbar
Skipped this outcome because its conditions weren't met:
Outcome conditions:
{!listaNumeroMeses} ([12,1,2,3,4,5,6]) Contains {!temp_NumeroFechaAVerificar} (2)

I think is clear that 2 (temp_NumeroFechaAVerificar) is in the List (listaNumeroMeses).

Both, the list and the variable temp_NumeroFechaAVerificar are typed like Number (Collection and single variables).

This happends in the second iteration. the first one works just fine.

DECISION: verificarMesAProbar
Outcome executed: mesAProbarEstaEnListaNumeroFechas
Outcome conditions:
{!listaNumeroMeses} ([12,1,2,3,4,5,6]) Contains {!temp_NumeroFechaAVerificar} (12)


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