I am trying to generate OAuth2 SF token via SSJS code on a CloudPage. I am not sure why I receive an empty response here. Following is my code

<script runat="server">


try {
  var instanceUrl = 'https://XXXXX--sandbox1.my.salesforce.com';
  var url = instanceUrl + '/services/oauth2/token'
  var payload = {
      grant_type: 'password',
      client_id: 'My Client ID',
      client_secret: 'My Client Secret',
      username: 'Username',
      password: 'Password'
  var request = new Script.Util.HttpRequest(url);
  request.emptyContentHandling = 0;
  request.continueOnError = true;
  request.method = 'POST';
  request.postData = Stringify(payload);      

  var response = request.send();
  Platform.Response.Write("</br> response: " + String(response.content));
  var resultJSON = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(String(response.content));
  Platform.Response.Write("</br> resultJSON: " + resultJSON);

} catch (ex) {
    Write("An error has occurred: " + Stringify(ex));


Following is the response printed when I click on Schedule/Publish:

resultJSON: null

I use the same credentials via POSTMAN and I am able to generate the token successfully. So I am not sure why I receive an empty response here. Would great if someone can point me in the right direction.


Thanks to the following post: Getting Error while try to get Salesforce OAuth access token from SFMC cloudpages ssjs httppost?, I have tried the HTTPPost AMPScript function and it worked. Following is the modified code and it works:

<script runat="server">


    try {  
      var clientId = 'MY_CLIENT_ID';
      var clientSecret = 'MY_CLIENT_SEC';
      var username = 'USERNAME';
      var password = 'PASSWORD'; 

      var payload = 'grant_type=password&client_id=';
      payload +=clientId;
      payload +='&client_secret=';
      payload +=clientSecret;
      payload +='&username=';
      payload +=username;
      payload +='&password=';
      payload +=password;

      Variable.SetValue('@payload', payload);

      Platform.Function.TreatAsContent('%%[ HTTPPost("https://pmisa--sandbox1.my.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", @payload, @response) ]%%');

      var response = Variable.GetValue('@response');    
      response = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(response);
      Write("</br> access_token: " + (response['access_token']));

    } catch (e) {

      Write("<br>e: " + Stringify(e));


  • response.content (et al.) might still be an object (you can verify using the typeof operator) and would therefore require a type conversion before it can be printed out, e.g., Platform.Response.Write("</br> response: " + String(response.content));. Or maybe Platform.Function.ParseJSON(String(response.content));.
    – Mark G
    Commented May 26, 2020 at 18:16
  • Thank you @MarkG , Please find the updates in the question desrcipton with the tests you suggested. Everything shows up as null Commented May 27, 2020 at 3:55
  • What does Platform.Response.Write(typeof response.content); return?
    – Mark G
    Commented May 27, 2020 at 4:41
  • @MarkG Platform.Response.Write(typeof response.content); returns clr Commented May 27, 2020 at 5:10
  • What about Platform.Response.Write(Platform.Function.Stringify(response.content));, what does that return?
    – Mark G
    Commented May 27, 2020 at 5:25

1 Answer 1


3 things to note:

1) you do not need to load the platform core twice in one cloudpage.

2) You can use Write("test") instead of Platform.Response.Write("test")

3) use TreatAsContent to get rid of the extra script tags (watch out for wrapping or escaping quotes correctly!):

Variable.SetValue('@payload', payload);
Platform.Function.TreatAsContent("%%[ HTTPPost('https://XXXX--sandbox1.my.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token','application/x-www-form-urlencoded', @payload, @response) ]%%");
var response = Variable.GetValue('@response');

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