I want to modify the Send Email Global action and add some custom fields to the layout which is not possible in the standard Global Action. Hence I am trying to create a Lightning Component and add it to the Activities Layout as shown in the picture below.

The Lightning Cmp implements="force:lightningQuickAction" and I have added it to the Pagelayout under 'Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions', but the cmp is only displayed with other Action. What should I configure to add the Ltng cmp under Activity Layout? enter image description here

1 Answer 1


The Activity component does not currently allow you to customize and add your own Email Component replacing the current one. You can post an idea on IdeaExchange

One workaround you can do is to take the Email Action off by taking off from the page layout in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions sections as shown below

enter image description here

Once the Email Action is off, build your own custom component and drop it above the standard Activity component or any other place where you think it makes sense.

It is preferred to keep the Activity component at the bottom because it has built-in ability to scroll.

  • 1
    Understood. Thanks Mohit. Also the Trailhead link also says 'The Activity tab contains Create a Record quick actions that point to the Event and Task objects'. Upvoted.
    – Dev Arya
    Commented May 22, 2020 at 20:52

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