I have a json filter in lightning record page for a Analytics dashboard. There are conditions where Code1__c will be NULL or Code2__c will be NULL . Is there any mechanism in JSON filter where we can put OR condition to use Code__1 if Code2__c is NULL and viceversa. Currently dashboard is taking both the fields which is failing the dashboard to display data. Any ideas....



1 Answer 1


You can use the formula editor in the compare table, or write the SAQL itself.

Both ways, you are going to use the coalesce function: coalesce(Code1__c, Code2__c)

However there are still certain situations to consider: Can only one of the values be filled? If so, the above code would be sufficient. If not, you have to decide if Code1__c or Code2__c should be displayed (That field has to be the first argument of the coalesce funtion).

Can both values be null? Should there be something in that field like a message "both values null" or an empty string? That has to be added as a third argument.

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