tl;dr - How does one get input validation to work for an LWC in the flow builder?
I have created an LWC for text input that will alert the user when they are approaching or have exceeded the character limit for that field. I want the flow to prevent the user from going to the next flow page if the text entered into my component is greater than the passed character limit. My component is working fine, but I am having trouble getting the Flow to validate the data entered.
I have tried following the instructions on the Develop Components for Flow Screens section for adding a validation method, and have added a "validate" method to the javascript of the component. However, when I enter a value over the passed character limit and click "next" in the flow page, no error occurs.
One solution I found here suggests adding a "Next" button as part of the component, but I'd prefer to use the native flow "Next" button if possible. Can this be done, and if so, what is missing from my code?
<template if:true={isErrorMessage}>
<span class="slds-text-color_error">{errorMessage}</span>
import { LightningElement, api } from "lwc";
export default class TextInputForFlow extends LightningElement {
@api fieldName;
@api characterLimit = 255;
@api fieldValue;
errorMessage = "";
get errorMessageLength() {
return this.errorMessage.length;
set errorMessageLength(event) {
return this.errorMessage.length;
get isErrorMessage() {
return this.errorMessageLength > 0;
set isErrorMessage(event) {
return this.errorMessageLength > 0;
handleChange(event) {
let length =;
// console.log(`length: ${length}`);
if (length > this.characterLimit) {
this.errorMessage = `Your answer must be less than 255 characters. Your character counts is ${length}`;
} else if (
(length <= this.characterLimit) &
(length > this.characterLimit - 25)
) {
let left = this.characterLimit - length;
this.errorMessage = `You have ${left} of ${this.characterLimit} characters remaining`;
this.fieldValue =;
} else {
this.errorMessage = "";
this.fieldValue =;
validate() {
if (this.fieldValue.length <= this.characterLimit) {
return { isValid: true };
return {
isValid: false,
errorMessage: "/*Your answer must be less than 255 characters*/"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">
<targetConfig targets="lightning__FlowScreen, lightning__HomePage">
<property name="fieldName" label="Field Name" type="String" />
<property name="characterLimit" label="Character Limit" type="Integer" />
<property name="fieldValue" label="Field Value" type="String" />