Haven't been able to find anything useful online about this yet... I'm looking to have my app call my existing custom Apex and get the profile picture from that class. I do not want to get the picture by having the app make a separate call to the Chatter API. I want to get the image from my custom Apex class. Is there some simple SOQL I can use to get the full profile picture into my Apex class? Thanks.
1 Answer
From poking at the schema it seems like you can query the table UserProfile
. In there there's 2 fields you can use, FullPhotoUrl or SmallPhotoUrl
Select SmallPhotoUrl, FullPhotoUrl From UserProfile Where Id = '<insert userId>'
After some more quick research this seems to be an Sobject / Table that's not currently accessable called Photo
. You can test this by using developer console or eclipse and using this piece of code:
System.debug(System.LoggingLevel.ERROR, Id.valueOf('729J00000004Q8s').getSObjectType());
The way I got my Id was by copying the photo file URL and copying the Id portion of that url: https://c.cs10.content.force.com/profilephoto/729J00000004Q8s/F
List provided may be out of date. Source from 2011
Key Prefix => Object Type
000 => Empty Key
001 => Account
002 => Note
003 => Contact
005 => User
006 => Opportunity
007 => Activity
008 => OpportunityHistory
00B => ListView / View
00D => Organization
00E => UserRole
00G => Group
00I => Partner
Als =>o OpportunityPartner, which "is automatically created when a Partner object is created for a partner relationship between an account and an opportunity"
00J => OpportunityCompetitor
00K => OpportunityContactRole
00N => CustomFieldDefinition - Setup > Create > Objects > [Your Object] > [Your Field]
CF0 =>0N Custom Field Id using in the query string. Note the keyprefix isn't actually CF0. In this case "CF" has been appended to the "00N" of the Custom Field Definition.
00O => Report
00P => Attachment
00Q => Lead
00S => ImportQueue
00T => Task
00U => Event
00X => EmailTemplate
00Y => EmailTemp
00a => CaseComment or IdeaComment
Use => caution as there are at least two object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix!
00a => IdeaComment or CaseComment
Use => caution as there are at least two object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix!
00b => WebLink - Custom Button or Link
00c => Training
00e => Profile
00h => Layout - Page Layout
00i => Pricebook
00j => Product
00k => OpportunityLineItem
00l => Folder
00o => OpportunityLineItemSchedule
Rep =>resents information about the quantity, revenue distribution, and delivery dates for a particular OpportunityLineItem.
Pro =>ducts, Price Books, and Schedules Overview
00p => UserTeamMember
00q => OpportunityTeamMember - "This object is available only in organizations that have enabled team selling."
00r => AccountShare
00s => AccountOwnerSharingRule
00t => OpportunityShare
00u => OpportunityOwnerSharingRule
00v => CampaignMember
010 => CaseSolution
011 => GroupMember
012 => RecordType
013 => RecordTypePicklist
014 => ProfileRecordType
015 => Document
016 => BrandTemplate (Letterhead)
017 => Entity History
018 => EmailStatus
019 => BusinessProcess
01A => BusinessProcessPicklist
01B => LayoutSection
01C => LayoutItem
01D => UserAccountTeamMember
01G => ProfileLayout
01H => MailmergeTemplate
01I => Custom Object
01J => PicklistMaster
01N => Scontrol
01P => ProfileTabConfiguration
01Q => WorkflowRule - AssignmentRule
01R => RuleFilter
01S => RuleFilterItem
01T => RuleFilterAction
01U => ActionAssignEscalate
01V => ActionTask
01W => ActionEmail
01X => ActionEmailRecipient
01Y => CampaignMemberStatus
01Z => Dashboard
01a => DashboardComponent
01b => ListViewCriterion
01c => ListViewDisplayColumn
01e => PicklistSet
01h => Translation
01j => LocalizedValue
01k => FieldPermissions
01l => ActionResponse
01m => BusinessHours
01n => CaseShare
01o => LeadShare
01p => ApexClass
01q => ApexTrigger
01r => CustomTabDefinition - Visualforce Tab
01s => Pricebook2
01t => Product2
01u => PricebookEntry
01v => PricebookShare
01w => OpportunityUpdateReminder
01y => CaseOwnerSharingRule
01z => CaseEscalation
020 => EventAttendee
022 => FiscalYearSettings
023 => Calendar
024 => CalendarShare
025 => ListLayoutItem
026 => Period
02A => LeadOwnerSharingRule
02B => LabelDefinition
02C => LabelData
02D => CaseHistory2
02F => CustomFieldMap
02T => CustomPage
02U => CustomPageItem
02V => PageComponent
02X => CustomPageProfile
02Y => UserComponentData
02Z => AccountContactRole
02a => ContractContactRole
02b => ComponentResourceLink
02c => Sharing Rule
02f => DelegateGroup
02g => DelegateGroupMember
02h => DelegateGroupGrant
02i => Asset
02k => ListLayout
02m => CustomIndex
02n => CategoryNode
02o => CategoryData
02p => DivTransferEvent
02q => LayoutItemColumn
02r => OpportunityAlert
02t => EmailRoutingAddress
02u => TabSet - AKA. Apps
02v => TabSetMember
02w => LoginIpRange
02x => LoginHours
02y => ReportAggregate
02z => ReportColorRange
033 => AllPackage - Package being built in the developer org
034 => PackageMember
035 => SelfServiceUser
036 => JobQueue
037 => ReportColumn
038 => ReportFilterItem
039 => ReportBreak
03D => ContactOwnerSharingRule
03G => AccountCriteriaSharingRule
03H => ContactCriteriaSharingRule
03I => CaseCriteriaSharingRule
03J => ChatterMessage
03K => ChatterMessageThread
03M => ChatterConversation
03N => ChatterConversationMember
03a => DependentPicklist
03c => LayoutRightPanel
03d => ValidationFormula - Validation Rule
03e => CustomSetupDefinition
03f => CustomSetup
03g => QueueSobject
03i => ConsoleConfig
03j => CaseContactRole
03k => ConsoleConfigItem
03n => ApexClassIdentifier
03q => ApexClassIdentifierRelationship
03s => ContactShare
03u => UserPreference
040 => ReportParam
043 => OutboundField
044 => ExternalizedReference
045 => PartnerNetworkSetup
04Y => ActionFieldUpdate - Field Update
04Z => EntityLock
04a => ProcessDefinition
04b => ProcessNode
04c => ProcessTransition
04d => ProcessTransitionCondition
04e => ProcessActionItem
04f => ProcessWorkitemProperties
04g => ProcessInstance
04h => ProcessInstanceStep
04i => ProcessInstanceWorkitem
04j => ProcessAllowedSubmitter
04k => ActionOutboundMessage - Outbound Message Id
04l => OutboundMessage - Outbound Notification Id
04m => AdditionalNumber
04n => SoftphoneLayout
04o => SoftphoneLayoutSection
04p => SoftphoneLayoutItem
04q => SoftphoneLayoutInfoField
04r => SoftphoneLayoutCallType
04s => AsyncRequest - AsyncResult, DeployResult
04t => AllPackageVersion - Install Package
04u => ActionOverride
04v => CallCenter
04x => PackageExtension
04z => LayoutItemActionRef
04V => PartnerNetworkRecordConnection
04P => PartnerNetworkConnection
050 => PackageLicense
051 => UserPackageLicense
052 => SfdcOutboundMessage
053 => WorkflowTimeTrigger
054 => WorkflowTimeAction
055 => WorkflowTimeQueue
056 => ContentTagName
057 => ContentDocumentSubscription
058 => ContentWorkspace
059 => ContentWorkspaceDoc
05A => ContentWorkspaceMembership
05B => CampaignCriteriaSharingRule
05C => ContentVersionComment
05G => IpWhitelist
05I => CampaignSharingRuleFilterItem
05J => ContentVersionRating
05K => ContentVersionRenditionContent
05L => DBCThumbnailFilter
05N => ContentVersionTagName
05P => ContentWorkspacePermission
05Q => ContentTagSubscription
05R => ContentWorkspaceSubscription
05S => ContentUserSubscription
05T => ContentContent
05U => EntityFeedLayout
05V => ContentNotification
05W => ContentNotificationParam
05X => DocumentAttachmentMap
05Z => ContentWorkspaceRecentEvent
05t => CustomEntityTranslation
060 => Portal
061 => PortalAccount
062 => PortalStyleConfig
063 => MobileConfig
064 => QuerySet
065 => QuerySetItem
066 => ApexPage
067 => PortalMember
068 => ContentVersion
069 => ContentDocument
06A => ContentDocumentLink
06B => ContentWorkspaceAllowedRecType
06G => CustomConsoleComponent
06N => ApplicationDependency
06O => ServiceDeskAttributes
06P => Application - Connected App
070 => CustomReportType
071 => CrtObject
072 => CrtColumn - Related to reports in some way.
073 => CrtLayoutSection
076 => RateLimitingNotification
078 => ApiUsage
079 => MobileMarkedRecord
07A => MassMail
07D => FeedPostTemplate
07E => Sandbox
07F => FeedFavorite
07G => SummaryRecalcQueue
07J => ComponentObjectDependency
07K => ComponentFeatureDependency
07L => ApexLog
07M => ApexTestResult
07O => Canvas
07P => EntitySizeJob
07R => DataCategoryMapping
07T => AuthConfig
07U => AuthConfigProviders
07V => ActionSend
07Y => BatchOrgSizeJob
07Z => EntityDataSize
07e => FeedPostTemplateItem
07n => ApexExecutionOverlayResult
080 => PacCrudPermission
081 => StaticResource
082 => UninstallExport - Data from Uninstalled Packages? A zip containing CSVs.
083 => Vote
084 => VoteConfig
085 => VoteStats
086 => MobileDevice
087 => Idea
08E => AddressCountry
08F => AddressState
08a => CronJobDetail
08d => CampaignOwnerSharingRule
08e => CronTrigger
08g => CronFiredTrigger
08s => CampaignShare
090 => MobileExcludedField
091 => EmailServicesFunction
092 => Weekly Data Export
093 => EmailServicesAddress
094 => MobileView
095 => MobileViewSortColumn
096 => MobileViewDisplayColumn
097 => MobileViewFilter
099 => ApexComponent
09A => FeedPollChoice
09B => FeedPollVote
09D => QuickActionDefinition
09F => DatacloudPurchaseUsage
09H => ConnectedApplication2
09I => QuickActionListItem
09J => QuickActionList
09S => AsyncRequestFFX
09T => AsyncRequestFFXResult
09U => DomainCookieStore
09V => DashboardStickyFilter
09a => Community
0A0 => ReportJob
0A1 => ReportJobFieldMap
0A2 => DevelopmentPackageVersion - Change Set
0A3 => InstalledPackageVersion - Installed Package
0A4 => ProcessTransitionApprover
0A5 => AllManagedPackageMember
0A7 => CustomShareRowCause
0A8 => ReportJobRun
0A9 => ReportJobRunError
0AB => ProfilePortalDelegate
0AD => PackageEvent
0AH => CompactLayout
0AI => FirehoseCheckpoint
0AL => ExternalSocialAccount
0AM => CompactLayoutItem
0AN => CompactLayoutMapping
0AT => EventLogFile
0AU => AuthSecurityLevel
0AW => CanvasFeedItem
0AX => ConsolePersonalization
0AZ => ActionApex
0Af => DeployRequest
0Ai => DeployMessage
0Aj => AsyncApiTransformationSpec
0Ak => AuthSession
0Al => DeployTestResult
0B0 => MobileEntitySetting
0B1 => MessageIdentifier
0B2 => PortalLanguageConfig
0B3 => PortalLanguageTabConfig
0B9 => MobileTab
0BA => CustomDataType
0BB => CustomDataTypeComponent
0BC => CustomFieldDataColumn
0BE => FileFieldData
0BF => ComponentAppVersion
0BG => CampaignInfluenceAdjustment
0BH => AllManagedClassRelationship
0BI => ContentVersionMap
0BJ => ActionAssignTeam
0BL => PackageIdMapping
0BM => Connection - Salesforce to Salesforce
0BR => LogSearchResult
0BV => OpportunityCriteriaSharingRule
0BW => MobilePushDevice
0BX => HistoricalEntityConfig
0BY => MqSlaRequest
0BZ => EmailBrand
0Ba => LoginBrandAsset
0Bb => LoginBrand
0Bc => MqSlaJob
0Bd => HistoricalFieldConfig
0Be => HistoricalTransactionPrefix
0Bf => HistoricalStaging
0Bi => HistoricalSelectorValue
0Bk => HistoricalSelector
0Bl => BlacklistedConsumer
0C0 => Holiday
0C2 => MobileSession
0C8 => LongJob
0CC => SiteChangelistComponent
0CF => ChatterNowUserFavorites
0CI => EntityImplements
0CJ => FieldImplements
0CL => SiteChangelist
0CS => ChatterNowUserSettings
0Ci => AppManifest
0D1 => DataCategoryGroup
0D2 => OrgWideEmailAddress
0D3 => OrgEmailAddressSecurity
0D4 => LeadCriteriaSharingRule
0D5 => FeedItem or NewsFeed or UserProfileFeed
Use => caution as there are at least three object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix!
0D6 => FeedTrackedChange
0D7 => FeedComment
0D8 => AllManagedMemberOption
0D9 => LeadSharingRuleFilterItem
0DA => EntityCategoryGroup
0DC => ProcessTransitionAction
0DD => SynonymGroup
0DE => Synonym
0DF => VersionSet
0DG => NamedFilter
0DH => FieldAttributes
0DM => Site
0DN => SitePageOverride
0DR => AndroidPushApplicationSetup
0DS => AppMenuItem
0DT => IdeaReputationLevel
0DU => LimitUsageHistory
0DV => PushUpgradeRequest
0DX => PushUpgradeJob
0DY => PushUpgradeJobError
0Db => ForecastingType
0Df => InstanceSizeJob
0E0 => EmailSyncConfig
0E1 => EmailSyncEntitySetting
0E2 => EmailSyncFieldMapping
0E3 => EmailSyncValueMapping
0E4 => EmailConfigEntitySetting
0E5 => EmailUserEntitySetting
0E6 => EmailSyncAdvancedSetting
0E8 => EntitySubscription
0EA => PackageVersionPatchOrg
0EB => Renderer
0EG => ReportChart
0EH => SummaryLayout
0EI => SummaryLayoutItem
0EJ => SummaryLayoutSliceInfo
0EM => ContentReference - Appears next to refid query string parameter when pulling images. See rtaimage servlet parameters…what does the refid refer to?
0EO => PicklistItemProperty
0EP => Inbound Change Set?
0EQ => CategoryJobTask
0ER => RichTextAreaFieldData
0EV => AllInstalledPackageVersion
0Eb => ModuleDependency
0Ee => HistoricalDataFilter
0Ef => HistoricalDataFilterItem
0Eg => GlobalDbKey
0F0 => EmailTempAttachmentMap
0F3 => ReportBlock
0F5 => PhotoItem
0F7 => FeedPost
0F8 => SoftphoneScreenPopOption
0F9 => CollaborationGroup
0FA => CsnDomain
0FB => CollaborationGroupMember
0FG => MobilePushServiceDevice
0FH => LinkReference
0FM => FeedMapping
0FO => OrgSizeJob
0FP => ReportRunTracker
0FQ => TrialMaster
0FR => PackageOperationError
0FT => TopicAssignment
0Fa => ContextFieldAttributes
0G1 => FeedFieldHistory
0G8 => ReportBucketField
0G9 => AccountSharingRuleFilterItem
0GC => EmailDisclaimer
0GD => ReportBucketFieldValue
0GE => ReportBucketFieldSourceValue
0GH => SchemaBuilderLayout
0GI => SchemaBuilderLayoutItem
0GJ => ApplePushApplicationSetup
0H0 => SiteRedirectMapping
0H1 => CollaborationInvitation
0H4 => ConnectedApplication
0H7 => PackageSupportAccess
0HF => PublishEvent
0HG => EntitySharingModel
0HI => ReportBlockAggregate
0HN => TwoFactorInfo
0HO => MobilePushSetupRegistry
0HR => MetricsTransmissionHistory
0Hi => AppIpRange
0Hj => AppManifestVersion
0Hk => ConnectivityDevConfig
0Hl => ConnectivityAttributes
0I0 => FeedLike
0I2 => SiteAsset
0I3 => SiteComponent
0I4 => Domain
0I5 => CollaborationGroupMemberRequest
0I6 => OpportunitySharingRuleFilterItem
0I7 => CaseSharingRuleFilterItem
0I8 => ContactSharingRuleFilterItem
0I9 => ReportObjectFilterItem
0IA => KnowledgeLanguageConfig
0IB => DashboardFilter
0IC => DashboardFilterItem
0ID => DashboardFilterRepCol
0IF => PushTopic
0II => FeedCrossReference
0IO => BrandingValue
0IS => ApexComponentAttribute
0IV => LogSearch
0IX => FieldSet
0IY => FieldSetItem
0Ih => ServiceDeskComponent
0Ii => PushProfileMapping
0Ij => PushIntent
0Ik => Module
0In => PhoenixDataSync
0Io => RawEmail
0J0 => SetupEntityAccess
0J2 => Personalization
0J4 => SPSamlAttributes
0J5 => PredictiveModel
0J8 => ServiceDeskHotkey
0JS => JigsawSavedSearch
0Jf => DomainSite
0K0 => ActionKnowledgeSubmit
0K2 => ActionChatterPost
0K3 => ActionChatterPostRecipient
0LD => RecalcCampaignStats
0LG => ReportInstance
0LN => StorageSizeJob
0M1 => SocialUserAuth
0ME => SessionLevelPolicy
0MF => SynonymDictionary
0MJ => SystemStreamingChannel
0O0 => XinstanceInfo
0P0 => FlowVariableAssignment
0P1 => Certificate
0P2 => CertificateIp
0PF => ParallelJobItemData
0PL => PermissionSetLicense
0PQ => ProcessTimeQueue
0PS => PermissionSet - Permission set metadata
0Pa => PermissionSetAssignment
0Q0 => Quote
0Qc => ActionQuickCreate
0RA => ActivityRelation
0RE => EventRelation
0RT => TaskRelation
0SO => AuthProvider
0TI => TopicIndex
0TO => Topic
0TY => TopicOntology
0Tt => TopicTerm
0XC => ExternalDataSource
0XU => ExternalDataUserAuth
0Ya => LoginHistory
0Ym => SetupAuditTrail
0Ys => ParallelJobStatus
0Yu => IdpEventLog
0Yw => UserLogin
0ca => ChatterActivity
0cs => OauthConsumerScope
0e1 => ProfileClientSettings
0eb => EntityBlacklist
0hc => HashtagCount
0hd => HashtagDefinition
0ht => Hashtag
0in => Influence
0ns => ProcessNodeSecurity
0rp => RemoteProxy
0sp => ServiceProvider
0tR => TopicRecordSetting
0tS => TopicSuggestionSetting
0te => TopicUserEvent
0tg => TopicGroupActivity
0tr => TrendingTopic
0ts => ProcessTransitionSecurity
0tu => TopicUserActivity
100 => UserLicense
101 => ExternalString - Custom Label
102 => FeatureLicense
10y => TaskRecurrenceException
10z => EventRecurrenceException
110 => ObjectPermissions
111 => EventComments
112 => ProposedEventTime
113 => ProposedEventResponse
11a => DBCThumbnail
1ci => Integration
1cl => ChangeList
1dc => MetadataContainer - from the Tooling AP
1de => IDEWorkspace
1do => ApexExecutionOverlayAction
1dp => IDEPerspective
1dr => ContainerAsyncRequest - from the Tooling API
204 => SfdcPartner
2LA => PermissionSetLicenseAssign
300 => InteractionDefinition
301 => InteractionDefinitionVersion
308 => InteractionCondition
309 => InteractionOperand
30A => InteractionAllocator
30C => InteractionChoice
30D => InteractionDecision
30F => InteractionForm
30L => InteractionConnector
30Q => InteractionQuestion
30R => InteractionReference
30S => InteractionStatement
30V => InteractionVariable
30a => InteractionAllocation
30c => InteractionConstant
30d => InteractionDataColumn
30f => InteractionFormula
30g => InteractionLayoutGroup
30m => InteractionApexCall
30r => InteractionResource
30t => InteractionTodo
30v => InteractionValueList
310 => InteractionLayoutDetail
31A => Subinteraction
31C => SubinteractionVariableAssignment
31S => InteractionSwitch
31V => InteractionFieldValue
31c => InteractionChoiceLookup
31d => InteractionDataSource
31i => InteractionDataInput
31o => InteractionDataOutput
31v => InteractionValueListEntry
3M1 => OrgObjectsMetrics
3M3 => ChatterMetrics
3M4 => ChatterOrgWideMetrics
3M5 => NetworkCustomerLoginMetrics
3M6 => NetworkPartnerLoginMetrics
3MA => PermissionSetMetricsByOrg
3MC => OpportunityMetrics
3MD => ContentMetrics
3MF => SharingRowCauseMetrics
3MG => SharingMetrics
3MH => IdeaMetrics
3MI => UserDimMetrics
3MJ => PermissionSetLicenseMetrics
400 => ApexClassMember
401 => ApexTriggerMember
402 => ApexPageMember
403 => ApexComponentMember
4A0 => MetadataCheckout
4F0 => ApexClassVersion
4F1 => ApexTriggerVersion
4F2 => ApexPageVersion
4F3 => ApexComponentVersion
500 => Case
501 => Solution
5Sp => SegmentSpace
5CS => Chat Session
608 => ForecastShare
6AA => AssociationQueueItem
6AB => EventAssociationItem
6AC => MailAssociationItem
6AD => TaskAssociationItem
701 => Campaign
707 => AsyncApexJob
708 => BatchApexRelationship
709 => ApexTestQueueItem
710 => LoginIp
711 => ApiLoginKey
712 => LoginIpEmail
713 => ClientBrowser
714 => ApexCodeCoverage
715 => ApexCodeCoverageAggregate
716 => ApexOrgWideCoverage
729 => Photo
737 => FieldHistory
750 => AsyncApiJob - Bulk Query Job
751 => AsyncApiBatch - Bulk Query Batch
752 => AsyncApiQueryResult - Bulk Query Result
753 => TempStore
754 => AsyncApiJobOptions
766 => UiStyleDefinition
777 => UiStyle
7tf => TraceFlag
800 => Contract
806 => Approval
80D => OrganizationValue
888 => OauthConsumer - Remote Access
ka0 => Article - Knowledge Article
X00 => Found in the PermissionSet Name column where the ProfileId is also defined. It matches the ProfileId with the exception of the key prefix.
Yes, but then I have to make a callout to the URL, I'm trying to avoid that. I just want to get the raw picture data. Commented Mar 19, 2014 at 15:30
@DoubleA If the table is not accessible from Apex how does this help?– Keith CCommented Mar 19, 2014 at 15:55
It's letting Brad know as far as APEX, this isn't possible since the table he wanted to look at for the blob information isn't accessible in the way he wanted without making some sort of outbound call.– Double ACommented Mar 19, 2014 at 15:56
+1 for the research, thank you, interesting about the prefixes, I didn't know that. Commented Mar 19, 2014 at 16:33