I'm writing a batch process where the invoice status is DUE Send an Email based on the Configuration done in metadata.

 global   class InvoiceDueNotification implements Database.batchable<sObject>{

  set<decimal> varDueDays = new set<decimal>();
  string varInvoiceStage = 'Due';
  global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc){
   list<Invoice_Reminder__mdt> MetaData = [SELECT Id, Label, No_of_Days__c FROM 
                                            Invoice_Reminder__mdt WHERE Active__c = true];
    For(Invoice_Reminder__mdt a : MetaData)
        // varDueDaysLabel.add(a.Label);
        varDueDays.add( Integer.valueOf(a.No_of_Days__c));

    String query = 'SELECT  Id, Family_Member__r.Name, Amount__c, Due_Date__c , Month__c, Name, Program_Name__c, Program_Price__c, stage__c, Service_Center__r.Name,    Service_Center__r.D2_BEFORE_DUE_DATE__c Service_Center__r.On_Due_Date__c FROM SCInvoice__c where Stage__c =:varInvoiceStage and  Due_Days__c in: varDueDays' ;        
    system.debug('query' + query);
    return Database.getQueryLocator(query);


 global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,  List<sObject> scope){

 list<Invoice_Reminder__mdt> MetaData = [SELECT Id, Label, No_of_Days__c FROM Invoice_Reminder__mdt WHERE Active__c = true];
    For(Invoice_Reminder__mdt a : MetaData)
for(SCInvoice__c inv :(List<SCInvoice__c>) scope){

// Like inv.a.label



In metadata values will be D2_BEFORE_DUE_DATE__c, .....On_Due_Date__c with Status. In Account object Fields has been created with the same API name as metadata value.

In the above for loop For(Invoice_Reminder__mdt a : MetaData) a.label value will be D2_BEFORE_DUE_DATE__c, how do we dynamically fetch the column in nested for loop

Ex: If metadata value is D2_BEFORE_DUE_DATE__c then fetch the D2_BEFORE_DUE_DATE__c column in inner loop.

Can You please help me o this.

1 Answer 1


You can simply use SObject's get method:

for(SCInvoice__c inv :(List<SCInvoice__c>) scope){
        Object value = inv.get(a.label); //i'm assigning as object i dont know data type, you can typecast.


Also, if field is not coming directly from the same object then you will have to first get the value from parent lookup field then get that field like this:


Learn here all SObject methods to understand it: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_methods_system_sobject.htm

Using sObject.get() to fetch a field value from a related parent object

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