I am trying to align the button on lightning component to the right but is not working as expected. My component is like below
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId" access="global" controller="updateCaseRecord">
<aura:attribute name="updateCase" type="Case" default="{'sobjectType':'Case'}"/>
<lightning:button variant="brand" label="Take Ownership" iconPosition="right" onclick="{!c.updateOwnership}" />
<lightning:button variant="brand" label="Close Case" iconPosition="right" onclick="{!c.updateCaseClose}" />
Using the lightning App Builder I placed the component in to the Record page but it is not getting aligned to the right
Even though I have the iconPosition="right"
it is not getting right justified. I dont have anything on the Style. How can I achieve this.
Also is there any way to add lightning component in to the list of buttons at the top? I know if I can call the lightning component from the Quick action it can be done, since we have Feed Tracking enabled I cannot use Quick Action as they show in the Feed Tab.
After using slds-float_right
And if I am placing the component above the related list quick links like below