While looks there is no component which is very similar to aura version there is api thats of BETA quality.
There is a lightning/uiListApi module to get List views data and metadata in LWC. Note that as of today it is under BETA.
There is also a sample code in the trailhead recipe repo
import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import { getListUi } from 'lightning/uiListApi';
import CONTACT_OBJECT from '@salesforce/schema/Contact';
import NAME_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.Name';
export default class WireListView extends LightningElement {
@wire(getListUi, {
objectApiName: CONTACT_OBJECT,
listViewApiName: 'All_Recipes_Contacts',
pageSize: 10
get contacts() {
return this.listView.data.records.records;
You can combine this with the lightning-datatable
to get one similar to the list view.