I'm not very good with javascript, but I'm trying to iterate over list of values of a map/json objects to show them in an LWC. I'm not really sure if this could be achieved, but here's my sample code.
import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';
export default class App extends LightningElement {
* Getter for the fields
get fields() {
var fields = {
'abcd1234': { Id: 'abcd1234', field1__c: 'bar', field2__c: 'bar' , field3__c:'abc'},
'abcd2334': { id: 'abcd2334', field1__c: 'world', field2__c: 'bar' }
return fields;
<template for:each={fields} for:item="field" >
I'm able to iterate over a list of array objects, but not the above map.
Expected Output