Currently, I'm fetching Job ID, Subscriber key of a subscriber who clicks on the landing page.
Code in the Email,
%%[ SET @Sub = _subscriberkey SET @CloudPageID = 1646]%%
Code in the landing page
set @Subs = AttributeValue('_SubscriberKey')
set @JobId = AttributeValue('jobID')
set @memberid = AttributeValue("memberid")
set @member_busname = AttributeValue('member_busname')
Set @lookUp = LookupRows('Page Visits','Subscriber Key', @Subs,'jobid', @jobid)
IF RowCount(@lookUp) == 0 THEN
InsertData('Page Visits','Subscriber Key', @Subs,'jobid', @jobid,'memberid', @memberid, 'member_busname', @member_busname , 'Event Date', NOW())
Using member_busname, it is fetching the Parent BU Name even though if I send the email from the child BU, Is there a way to get the child BU name?