I'm trying to deserialize a List of JSON objects in Apex. Here is the JSON being passed:

     "Interviewer":"JTA Test",
     "CandidateStage":"Final ROund",
     "Candidate_Name":"JTA Test",
           "Competency":"Team Player",
           "Question":"Describe when you failed on a team",
           "Candidate_Name":"JTA Test"

And here is my APEX code :

public class DeserializeJSON {
 public String PDFData {get; set;}

 public DeserializeJSON() {
    PDFData = '';

 public void deserialize() {
   List<DeserializeJSON.CandidateSummary> allCandidates = (List<DeserializeJSON.CandidateSummary>)JSON.deserialize(PDFData, List<DeserializeJSON.CandidateSummary>.class);
    system.debug('allCandidates = '+allCandidates);

public class CandidateSummary {
    public String Name {get; set;}
    public Interview_Information Interview_Information {get; set;}

public class Interview_Information {
    public String Interviewer;
    public String CandidateStage;
    public String Recommendation;
    public String Candidate_Name;
    public List<Competency> Competency;

public class Competency {
    public String Competency;
    public String Question;
    public String Rating;
    public String Candidate_Name;

UPDATE : I updated my code as per the SFDC's suggestion -- none of my debug statements are showing up on dev console now.

  • This is fine, if you are not getting the debug statements then it seems like you are not calling the DeserializeJSON.deserialize() method from anywhere. DeserializeJSON deserializeJSON = new DeserializeJSON(); deserializeJSON.PDFData = YOUR_JSON; deserializeJSON.deserialize(); And this method doesn't return anything as of now, I guess you need to adjust the return type as well. Commented Mar 2, 2020 at 3:08
  • Can you just more specify your requirement? do you just want to deserializeJSON.. thats it?? Commented Mar 2, 2020 at 4:55
  • @itzmukeshy7 The function is being called as the debug statements were showing up before I made changes as per the changes suggested by sfdcfox - I'm confused as to why the debug line stopped showing up on the console
    – user67794
    Commented Mar 2, 2020 at 5:11

1 Answer 1


Because Interview_Information is another object. Here's what you'd change:

public class Interview {
    public String Name;
    public Interview_Information Interview_Information;
public class Interview_Information {
    public String Interviewer;
    public String CandidateStage;
    public String Recommendation;
    public String Candidate_Name;
    public List<Competency> Competency;
public class Competency {
    public String Competency;
    public String Question;
    public String Rating;
    public String Candidate_Name;


List<DataDisplayController.Interview> allCandidates = (List<DataDisplayController.Interview>)JSON.deserialize(PDFData, List<DataDisplayController.Interview>.class);
  • I tried it this way as well and it didn't work. None of my debug statements display on the console so I assume it's incorrect. Let me update my code above @sfdcfox
    – user67794
    Commented Mar 2, 2020 at 2:06
  • @user67794 Silly question... did you set the PDFData string before attempting to deserialize? It should work given your code if the string is set correctly.
    – sfdcfox
    Commented Mar 2, 2020 at 3:38
  • Yeah, PDFData is being setup correctly. I'm printing out the value from my JS before going to the Apex controller and the value itself is correct. After I made the changes you recommended the debug line stopped showing up - which is weird. The debug lines should be showing up regardless.
    – user67794
    Commented Mar 2, 2020 at 5:12

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