I recently moved from Aura to LWC and not able to understand whats going wrong here. Below sample code
<template for:each={names} for:item='name'>
<div key={name.Id} class="customcss" >
import { LightningElement, wire, track } from 'lwc';
import listViewsRecords from '@salesforce/apex/UserManage.listViewsRecords';
export default class UsermanageSearchList extends LightningElement
items = [];
names = [];
@wire(listViewsRecords, { param : 'param1' })
list({ error, data }) {
this.names = data.userLists;
this.items = data.items;
}else if (error) {
this.error = error;
this.items = undefined;
The 'list' wired method is getting called twice and the first time returns undefined data and the second time data correctly retrieved.
data -> undefined
data -> < data >
Because its getting undefined, the component is giving an after renderer error
'afterRender threw an error in 'c:component' [Cannot read property 'Id' of undefined]'.
What I don't understand is why the wired method always gets called twice and getting undefined ? and if this is expected what needs to be done here?