I am building URLs dynamically using AMPScript and values stored in a data extension. We are using Web Analytics Connector WAC, so the AMPScript vars are not interpreted properly by the WAC when sending the Email. To face this issue I have build all my dynamic urls as explained here (https://gist.github.com/MyCueCards/e72bfbacdc4e6d8405cf9b137a701ecf).
The urls are been built properly and working as expected. My issue now is that using this approach, we are passing over the WAC and the tracking service system is not generating the click.info.xxx/q=token associated url for tracking the clicks.
Is there any way of building the URLs dynamically using AMPSCript vars and having the system genrating the click.info.xxx/token associated url ?
I have been using RedirectTo() in conjunction with treatascontent() functions in any kind of combination but still is not working.