I've found these two excellent projects:
- Andrew Fawcett's Advanced Logging with Platform Events
- Robert Sösemann's Apex Unified Logging
that use Platform Events for logging and include a client to view the logs.
We are thinking of using this mechanism (across multiple managed package namespaces), but want to make sure we have grabbed all the good ideas that are already out there before we put ours together.
So if you know of other open-source logging frameworks we should look at, please post links. Also, any gotchas?
Anyone fed Platform Events to e.g. https://www.loggly.com/ or https://www.datadoghq.com/log-management/?
I recently (March 2021) came across this Nebula Logger for Salesforce.
class; we also use a trigger on the platform event to save persistently into aLog__c
sobject. The one tricky bit was when the log-in-memory started eating up Heap so we implemented a log flusher within Log__c. If you want to discuss more, I suggest going to chat