I am trying to cast the type Map<String, SObject> to Map<String, EmailTemplate>, my code as follows:

EmailTemplate emailTemplate = [SELECT Id FROM EmailTemplate LIMIT 1].get(0);

SObject sobj = (SObject) emailTemplate;

Map<String, SObject> sobjectMap = new Map<String, SObject>();

sobjectMap.put('red', sobj);

Map<String, EmailTemplate> emailTemplateByColorMap = (Map<String, EmailTemplate>) sobjectMap;

I am getting the following error message:

Error on line 9, column 1: System.TypeException: Invalid conversion from runtime type Map to Map AnonymousBlock: line 9, column 1

Any idea why is throwing an error message? An SObject can be cast to EmailTemplate. Right?

1 Answer 1


An SObject by itself can be cast to EmailTemplate, however, Map cannot, that happens, because you may have not only EmailTemplate as values in Map, but also other SObjects.


Map<String, SObject> sobjectMap = new Map<String, SObject>();
sobjectMap.put('red', new Account(Name = '123'));
sobjectMap.put('green', new Contact(LastName = '123'));

So you cannot convert Map, but you can retrieve your email template by key-color and cast it itself:

EmailTemplate redTemplate = (EmailTemplate) sobjectMap.get('red');

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