public with sharing class datatabletest{
public static List<Theme__c> getData(string userId) {
return [SELECT Account__r.name, Account__c, Name, Risk_Level__c
FROM Theme__c
WHERE (Risk_Level__c != null AND Risk_Action__c = null)
AND Account__r.OwnerId =: userId];
snippet of JS: you can see where my main issue it.
// retrieving the data using wire service
@wire(getData, {userId: '$UserId'})
themeData(result) {
// get the account name
if (result.data) {
let dataParse;
let datas = result.data;
for (let i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
dataParse = datas[i];
if (dataParse.Account__r) dataParse.accountName = dataParse.Account__r.Name;
this.data = dataParse;
Html of the table, just if someone asks
<template if:true={data}>
<lightning-datatable data={data}
Now the reason i'm querying both the Id of the account and the account__r.name is because in my columns section where i define the columns i'm going to create a link to the record id but give it the label of the actual name....
also on an action i need the Id values because i'm going to use a lightning-record-edit-form to create a related object record and i pass the id values from the row...now all of that works but i just can't get the damn name of the account to display on the data table.
For those curious my edit form is at the bottom of this post.
unrelated: Also i noticed something weird.
"Name":"Hard Wood",
"Name":"Table Mountain",
Even though i don't query the Theme__c Id it gives it to me anyways. Also when i query Account__r.Name it returns a Id value do i even need to query the Account__c field directly for the Id value?? It's just so frustrating, there has to be some easier way of accessing those account__r values when creating the columns of the data table.
Here's the edit form for those curious, value= {vars i defined in js} it automatically passes the id values to those lookup fields. if the edit form doesn't have a recordId defined then it just a create new based on the object in object-api-name
<div if:true={isEditForm} class="slds-theme_default">
<lightning-record-edit-form layout-type="Full" object-api-name="Theme_Action__c" onsubmit={handleSubmit} onsuccess={handleSuccess}>
<lightning-input-field field-name="Account__c" value={Account_Id} ></lightning-input-field>
<lightning-input-field field-name="heme__c" value={themeId}></lightning-input-field>
<lightning-input-field field-name="Action__c"></lightning-input-field>
<div style="text-align:center;">
<lightning-button class="slds-m-top_small"
label="Create Record"></lightning-button>
i changed up my JS
// flatten out data
if (result.data){
console.log(' this data' + JSON.stringify(result.data));
let dataParse;
for (let i = 0; i < result.data.length; i++) {
dataParse = Object.assign({}, result.data[i]);
if (dataParse.Account__r) dataParse.accountName = dataParse.Account__r.Name;
this.data = dataParse;
Now when i console log dataParse outside of the loop i get this
{"Account__c":"0013000000bBCerAAG","Name":"WOF Pink Diamond 3R1L2C $5","Risk_Level__c":"High","Id":"a4VQ0000000nmqmMAA","Account__r":
{"Name":"hard wood","Id":"0013000000bBCerAAG"},"accountName":"Table Mountain Casino"}
and that's it. just one record.
when console.log the initial result.data
[{"Account__c":"0013000000bBCerAAG","Name":"FORTUNE GONG with DRAGON ASC CURVE","Risk_Level__c":"Medium","Id":"a4VQ0000000niplMAA",
"Account__r":{"Name":"hard wood","Id":"0013000000bBCerAAG"}},
{"Account__c":"0013000000bBCerAAG","Name":"WOF CL EXOTIC FAR EAST ASC","Risk_Level__c":"Medium","Id":"a4VQ0000000njLyMAI",
"Account__r":{"Name":"hard wood","Id":"0013000000bBCerAAG"}},
{"Account__c":"0013000000bBCerAAG","Name":"CD+ ASC - JIN LONG 888 3R","Risk_Level__c":"High","Id":"a4VQ0000000njhqMAA",
"Account__r":{"Name":"hard wood","Id":"0013000000bBCerAAG"}},
{"Account__c":"0013000000bBCerAAG","Name":"REEF OF RICHES 3D","Risk_Level__c":"High","Id":"a4VQ0000000njsrMAA",
"Account__r":{"Name":"hard wood","Id":"0013000000bBCerAAG"}},
{"Account__c":"0013000000bBCerAAG","Name":"TEMPLE OF TREASURE TPL GOLD ASC","Risk_Level__c":"Medium","Id":"a4VQ0000000nkMjMAI",
"Account__r":{"Name":"hard wood","Id":"0013000000bBCerAAG"}},
{"Account__c":"0013000000bBCerAAG","Name":"ZUMA 3D","Risk_Level__c":"Medium","Id":"a4VQ0000000nkRGMAY",
"Account__r":{"Name":"hard wood","Id":"0013000000bBCerAAG"}},
{"Account__c":"0013000000bBCerAAG","Name":"ANYTHING BUT SIX 3D STPR : AXXIS_3D","Risk_Level__c":"Medium","Id":"a4VQ0000000nkxzMAA",
"Account__r":{"Name":"hard wood","Id":"0013000000bBCerAAG"}},
{"Account__c":"0013000000bBCerAAG","Name":"WOF Pink Diamond 3R1L2C $5","Risk_Level__c":"High","Id":"a4VQ0000000nmqmMAA",
"Account__r":{"Name":"hard wood","Id":"0013000000bBCerAAG"}}]
I think it has to do with the account name being the same