I am trying to create a custom Tree Grid component in that based on my business use case I'm in need to create every row as a component, and every column as a component. Below is the structure of my component
table container component
<template for:each={datas} for:item="d">
<c-child key={d.Id} data={d}></c-child>
Child component
<template for:each={data.childrens} for:item="d">
<c-child key={d.Id} data={d}></c-child>
:host {
display: table-row;
Here My Question is when I try to build a row component recursively for the tree structure . Since My row component doesn't contain <tr>
I cannot able to render recursively because every custom element(LWC component) includes a tag with the component name in HTML Lightning Web Component for table rows and cellsbased on this link every row component behaves like a row when applying display: table-row;
So My nested tree structure looks like when I try to build the row component recursively, So my host
component behaves like single tr
Here is a Playground link that I described my issue with a simple example.
Below is the screenshot of UI I am trying to build