I am trying to make the 'Name' field clickable in a community and having some trouble getting it point to a url.
I am following this thread:
Hyperlink record name LWC datatable
It seems like the updated solution does not require a wrapper class here so I thought it would be easy to implement. I am sure I am missing something on my end. It does not seem like I am getting anything in the row.id.
Here's the code:
import { LightningElement, wire, track, api } from 'lwc';
import StatementOfValuesDataFeed from '@salesforce/apex/StatementOfValuesDataFeed.getOldAssetValues';
import { updateRecord } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';
import { refreshApex } from '@salesforce/apex';
import { showToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
import getOldAssetValues from '@salesforce/apex/StatementOfValuesDataFeed.getOldAssetValues';
const COLS = [
{label: 'Asset Value', fieldName:'nameUrl', editable: false, sortable: true, type: 'url', typeAttributes: {label: { fieldName:'Name', target: '_blank'}}},
{label: 'Asset Name', fieldName:'Asset_Name__c', editable: false, sortable: true},
{label: 'Asset Type', fieldName:'Asset_Type__c', editable: false, sortable: true},
{label: 'Agency Owner Name', fieldName:'Agency_Owner__c', editable: false, sortable: true},
{label: 'Owner Type', fieldName:'Agency_Owner_Type__c', editable: false, sortable: true},
{label: 'Premium Net', fieldName:'Net_Premium_Number__c', editable: false, sortable: true},
{label: 'Invoice Amount', fieldName:'Invoice_AV__c', editable: false, sortable: true},
{label: 'System Id', fieldName:'Asset_System_ID__c', editable: false, sortable: true},
export default class StatementOfValuesAssetTable extends LightningElement {
@track error;
@track columns = COLS;
@track oldAssets = [];
wiredAssets(result) {
const { data, error } = result;
if (data) {
let nameUrl;
this.oldAssets = data.map(row => {
nameUrl = `/${row.id}`;
return {...row , nameUrl}
this.error = null;
if(error) {
this.error = error;
this.oldAssets = [];
<lightning-card title = "SOVAssetTable" icon-name="custom:custom63">
<div class="slds-m-around_medium">
<template if:true={oldAssets}>
<template if:true={oldAssets.error}>
<!--- error handling save-->
Any help on how to get my row.id into the url would be superb.
Thanks, B