I have shield encryption enabled on the contact object and on the email field of the contact object.
In custom apex code (a inbound email handler specifically), I am trying to run a SOQL query to see the contact exists, if not, create it.
I am unable to run the following query select id from contact where email =: email.fromAddress
as I receive the following error:
select id from contact where email =: email.fromAddress
ERROR at Row:1:Column:30
field 'email' can not be filtered in a query call
I enabled deterministic encryption, but I still receive the error.
Are they any additional steps I need to take to be able to run SOQL on the contact email field?
Related Docs: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.securityImplGuide.meta/securityImplGuide/security_pe_deterministic.htm