Based on the list of supported objects here,, it would appear Location is not a supported Standard Object.
The wire adapters and JavaScript functions in lightning/ui*Api modules are built on User Interface API. User Interface API supports all custom objects and many standard objects.
Lightning web components can access Salesforce data and metadata from all custom objects and from all the standard objects that User Interface API supports.
It would be easier to do this in apex to get the values you need, so create a controller class and add a method like the following...
public static WorkOrder getWorkOrderDetails(Id recordId) {
return [SELECT Id, Location.Name FROM WorkOrder WHERE Id = :recordId];
Then in your lwc controller, add something like this...
import getWorkOrderDetails from '@salesforce/apex/somecontrollerclass.getWorkOrderDetails';
@wire(getWorkOrderDetails, {recordId : '$locationId'})wiredDetails
Then you can reference to display the data.