
i have a method in that there is a map

Map<String,String> formSubmissionData = new Map<String,String>();

formSubmission = insertFormSubmission(formSubmissionData); 

from this map , loop on this map keyset and populate the form_submission record.

Form_Submission__c formSubmission = new Form_Submission__c( 
    Contact__c = formSubmissionData.get('contactId'),
    Enrollment__c = formSubmissionData.get('enrollmentId'),      
insert formSubmission;

i tried in this way i'm getting error , can any one help me?

Form_Submission__c formSubmission = new Form_Submission__c();
for( string fs:formSubmissionData.keyset())
  formSubmission.fs =formSubmissionData.get(fs);
insert formSubmission;
  • 2
    Welcome to SFSE. Please edit your post to give the exact, verbatim error and the line on which it occurs.
    – David Reed
    Nov 20, 2019 at 21:19
  • @madhukar please provide the error message, also I noticed that in your second block of codes you try to retrieve contact with the key 'contactId' but it should be 'contact__c', should return the value
    – Hasantha
    Nov 21, 2019 at 3:53

4 Answers 4


You can't refer to properties dynamically like that in Apex.

formSubmission.fs =formSubmissionData.get(fs);

If you want to place a value in the field whose name corresponds to the content of the variable fs, you must use the put() method.

formSubmission.put(fs, formSubmissionData.get(fs));
  • Invalid field formSubmissionRecordTypeId for Form_Submission__c , i am getting this error. My concern here i need to use the keyset in the insertFormSubmission method from the above method which has map Nov 20, 2019 at 21:39
  • @MadhukarReddy Please edit your question as requested above to give a clear and complete summary of your issue. I believe the answer here explains your problem, however.
    – David Reed
    Nov 20, 2019 at 21:48

You can not use fs like this dynamically in apex. formSubmission.fs =formSubmissionData.get(fs); Use formSubmission.put(fs,formSubmissionData.get(fs)).


In your first solution, you had an extra comma right before your closing paren ,) for the constructor of you sObject Form_Submission__c. I have fixed it here:

Form_Submission__c formSubmission = new Form_Submission__c(Contact__c = formSubmissionData.get('contactId'),
                                                            Enrollment__c = formSubmissionData.get('enrollmentId'));
insert formSubmission;

formSubmission.fs =formSubmissionData.get(fs);

In above code you are setting formSubmission.fs , if fs is a field in object Form_Submission__c then your code will work fine.

This explanation based on the code you have given plz update the full code to understand your exact problem.

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