I would like Salesforce to create some records for me based on data that is incoming in an email's CSV file attachment.
I've investigated the Email Services functionality, and set up an address, where if I send an email with a file attached, an Apex code runs. Now in this Apex code I would like to be able to verify the CSV file attachment, and if it's the correct type, go thru it, and create a custom record for each of the lines in the CSV file.
Thinking about it, I came down to the 2 following solutions, however, I'm unaware of the limitations of each method, so I would be incredibly grateful for any guidance!
Inbound Email Service class takes care of all the CSV parsing, and record creating. Could there be any limits here on how much data can an Inbound Email Service class process?
Inbound Email Service class simply just creates a "JOB" type custom record where it also saves the attached CSV file from the email. (Could there be a size limit here?)
Then I have a separate process running on this JOB object type (which start upon creation), and I parse the CSV file at this time.
Any help is appreciated!
Later edit: forgot to mention, that the maximum size of the CSV is under 100 KB, and under 500 rows.