I would like to create a custom composite component to re-create the LWC input field behavior if possible.
<lightning-record-edit-form ... >
<template for:each={Fields} for:item="field">
The inputFieldWrapper would then be a large case statement (template ifs) that outputs different input components depending on the data-type.
The issue I have is that the data binding breaks when it's rendered as a child component.
I know that components can be mixed as Steven's been able to demonstrate Wissel Blog - Mixing lwc-inputs with custom data aware fields The but in his example he's declaring the inputs explicityly, and I'd like to dynamically render a specific one inside a loop depending on the data type and bind it.
That being said - I'm looking for help on the best method to go about doing this. A fellow dev mentioned that angular's use of a "replace:true" tag attribute allowed the rendered tag to be not shown as shown here but I don't know if the lwc engine allows for this behavior either.
As a side-note - Salesforce documents this behavior for the outputfield but does not mention it for the input field: Usage Considerations of Output Field . In this they mention that the output field must be a child of form with nesting restrictions (e.g. "You can't nest it in another component like lightning-layout though you can nest it in a div").
Any Help would be greatly appreciated - Thank you!