I have added the lightning web component into utility bar and after the save button it should be able to auto close the utility bar.
I have searched through the web but haven't got an answer on how to do that. Any thoughts?
It is not supported yet in LWC.
Bring modern, blazing-fast Lightning web components (LWC) into the utility bar by adding the lightning__UtilityBar target to your LWC‘s meta configuration. LWC utilities don’t yet support APIs or being used as background utility items.
In the Aura components, there is an API for it.
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" >
<lightning:utilityBarAPI aura:id="utilitybar" />
<lightning:button label="Minimize Utility" onclick="{! c.minimizeUtility }" />
minimizeUtility : function(component, event, helper) {
var utilityAPI = component.find("utilitybar");
One possible solution I can think of is wrapping the Lightning web component in the Aura component.
It is supported now. Check this https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_console.meta/api_console/sforce_api_console_lwc_minimize.htm