I am getting the following error on my Apex class for line 144 "FATAL_ERROR System.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceeded"
Line 144 reads -
if(dayOfWeek == 'Saturday' || dayOfWeek == 'Sunday'){
Can anyone take a look at my class and help me to update it so that it will not hit the time limit ?
Here is the code
public class Zenefits_Time_Off implements Schedulable, Database.AllowsCallouts {
//query the list of holidays from the holiday object
public static List<DateTime> HolidayList;
public Zenefits_Time_Off() {
List<pse__HolidayObj__c> tempHolidayList = [SELECT pse__Date__c from pse__HolidayObj__c];
for(pse__HolidayObj__c holiday : tempHolidayList) {
public void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {
@future(callout = true)
public static void makeCallout() {
List<Time_Off_Request__c> torToUpdate = new List<Time_Off_Request__c> ();
list<pse__Timecard_Header__c> tchList = new list<pse__Timecard_Header__c> ();
string url = 'xx';
system.debug('before while');
while (url != null) {
url = makeHttpCall(url, torToUpdate, tchList);
system.debug('after while');
insert (torToUpdate);
system.debug('SECONDTOR ' + torToUpdate);
public static String makeHttpCall(String url, List<Time_Off_Request__c> torToUpdate, List<pse__Timecard_Header__c> tchList) {
string nextUrl = '';
Http http = new Http();
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
request.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer xx');
HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
// If the request is successful, parse the JSON response.
if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) {
// Deserializes the JSON string into collections of posts.
Map<String, Object> wrapper = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());
if (wrapper.containsKey('data')) {
Map<String, Object> wrapper2 = (Map<String, Object>) wrapper.get('data');
if (wrapper2.containsKey('data')) {
nextUrl = (String) wrapper2.get('next_url');
system.debug('next URL' + nextUrl);
List<Object> vacationRequests = (List<Object>) wrapper2.get('data');
System.debug('Received the following vacation requests:');
Map<String,map<String, Object>> ptoMap = new Map<String,map<String, Object>>();
set<string> employeeIdSet = new set<string>();
for (Object vacationRequestWrapper : vacationRequests) {
Map<String, Object> vacationRequest = (Map<String, Object>) vacationRequestWrapper;
if (vacationRequest.get('status').equals('approved')) {
system.debug('vacationRequests ' + vacationRequest);
Map<String, Object> wrapper3 = (Map<String, Object>) vacationRequest.get('creator');
Map<String,Object> empValues = new Map<String,Object>();
string ptoUrl = (String) wrapper3.get('url');
string ptoId = (string)vacationRequest.get('id');
string employeeId = ptoUrl.substring(ptoUrl.length() - 7, ptoUrl.length() - 0);
empValues.put('empId', employeeId);
ptoMap.put(ptoId, empvalues);
system.debug('ptoMap ' + ptoMap);
Map<String, Object> tempEmpValues = new Map<String, Object>();
Map<String,Object> contactVal = new Map<String,Object>();
map<String,Id> conZenIdMap = new map<String,Id>();
List<Contact> contactList = [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Zenefits_ID__c FROM Contact WHERE Zenefits_ID__c IN : employeeIdSet];
for (Contact con : contactList) {
System.debug('contactList ' + contactList);
//tempEmpValues = ptoMap.get(con.Zenefits_ID__C);
//contactVal.put('ConId', con.id);
Time_Off_Request__c[] torList = [SELECT ID, Zenefits_ID__c FROM Time_Off_Request__c WHERE Zenefits_ID__c IN : ptoMap.keySet()];
system.debug('torlist ' + torList);
for(Time_Off_Request__c tor1 : torList)
ptoMap.remove(tor1.Zenefits_ID__c); //remove existing Time Off Requests
for(String zId: ptoMap.keyset())
map<String,Object> currMap = ptoMap.get(zId);
map<String, Integer> hours = new Map<String, Integer>();
Time_Off_Request__c tor = new Time_Off_Request__c();
if(conZenIdMap.get((string)currMap.get('empId')) != null)
tor.Employee__c =conZenIdMap.get((string)currMap.get('empId'));
tor.Project__c = 'a8q8A000000CafTQAS';
tor.First_Day_Off__c = date.valueof((string)currMap.get('startDate'));
system.debug('FirstDay ' + tor.First_Day_Off__c);
tor.Last_Day_Off__c = date.valueof((string)currMap.get('endDate'));
tor.Status__c = 'Saved';
tor.Zenefits_ID__c = zId;
system.debug('torToUpdate' + torToUpdate);
datetime startDate = date.valueof((string) currMap.get('startDate'));
pse__Timecard_Header__c tch = new pse__Timecard_Header__c();
if(conZenIdMap.get((string)currMap.get('empId')) != null){
tch.CurrencyIsoCode = TestDataFactory.currencyCode;
tch.pse__Project__c = 'a8q8A000000CafTQAS';
tch.pse__Assignment__c = null;
tch.pse__Resource__c = conZenIdMap.get((string) currMap.get('empId'));
tch.pse__Start_Date__c = date.valueof((string) currMap.get('startDate'));
tch.pse__End_Date__c = date.valueof((string) currMap.get('endDate'));
tch.pse__Billable__c = false;
tch.pse__Time_Credited__c = true;
tch.pse__Time_Excluded__c = false;
tch.pse__Bill_Rate__c = null;
tch.pse__Cost_Rate_Amount__c = null;
tch.pse__Cost_Rate_Currency_Code__c = null;
tch.pse__Status__c = 'Saved';
tch.pse__Submitted__c = false;
tch.pse__Approved__c = false;
tch.pse__Include_In_Financials__c = false;
while(startdate < tch.pse__End_Date__c) {
DateTime myDateTime = (DateTime) startdate;
String dayOfWeek = startdate.format('EEEE');
if(dayOfWeek == 'Saturday' || dayOfWeek == 'Sunday'){
else if (HolidayList.contains(startDate)){
else if (dayOfWeek == 'Monday'){
hours.put('monday', 8);
else if (dayOfWeek == 'Tuesday'){
hours.put('tuesday', 8);
else if (dayOfWeek == 'Wednesday'){
hours.put('wednesday', 8);
else if (dayOfWeek == 'Thursday'){
hours.put('thursday', 8);
else if (dayOfWeek == 'Friday'){
hours.put('friday', 8);
startDate = startdate.addDays(1);
tch.pse__Monday_Hours__c = integer.valueOf(hours.get('monday'));
tch.pse__Tuesday_Hours__c = integer.valueOf(hours.get('tuesday'));
tch.pse__Wednesday_Hours__c = integer.valueOf(hours.get('wednesday'));
tch.pse__Thursday_Hours__c = integer.valueOf(hours.get('thursday'));
tch.pse__Friday_Hours__c = integer.valueOf(hours.get('friday'));
tch.pse__Saturday_Hours__c = 0.0;
tch.pse__Sunday_Hours__c = 0.0;
system.debug('timecardList' + tchList);
return nextUrl;