I have a map Map<Id, list<Boolean>> mapOfIdAndListBoolean = new Map<Id, list<Boolean>>();
I think I can get the whole list by using mapOfIdAndListBoolean .get(order.AccountId)
. Would I get the first element of the list by using mapOfIdAndListBoolean .get(order.AccountId)[0]
1 Answer
Yes you will get the first element of the List.
Try below code for understanding in anonymous window.
Map<String, list<Boolean>> mapOfIdAndListBoolean = new Map<String, list<Boolean>>();
mapOfIdAndListBoolean.put('testStr',new List<Boolean>{true,false,true});
Boolean value = mapOfIdAndListBoolean.get('testStr')[0];
But You need to be very sure that you will not get "null" for the "key" here. Otherwise, you run into Null Pointer Exception Commented Oct 25, 2019 at 7:16