I'm trying to find all records that have a difference of 5 years between two of their columns.
A mysql example of this would be
FROM custom_object__c where mydatabase_ID__c > 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, start_date__c, end_date__c) >= 5
is the starting date and end_date__c
is my ending date so if the end_date__c
is more than 5 years from start_date__c
I want the record returned.
I haven't seen anything close to this functionality using a SOQL query. This https://success.salesforce.com/answers?id=90630000000gvhiAAA seemed close but that is for a formuala, not SOQL.
I could do this with PHP but iterating over every row is going to be resource intensive and I'd prefer to avoid that if possible.